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A nice 8 transistor portable with case. Called the "Super Fringe".

Panasonic Bisider. This is a clock radio when upright (on right). Turns into a TV when folded down.

Weltron, a nice round black and chrome stereo AM/FM/8 Track. Was a big collectable at one time. Thank God I was smart enough to wait.  

Sears radio, single band 12 transistor. Model 12. Nice consrtuction. Has a battery meter top left.

A Toshiba AM/FM 10 transistor radio. This one has lots of chrome and a leather case. Model 10TL-429F.

The Micronic Ruby made by Standard Radio. It's AM/FM  model SR-Q460F.

First radio is a Tempest that looks like a camera. The next radio is a stellar, I have a few colors. I had a black one as a child, so I had to get some like it.

A great G.E from the late 50's eara. This has lot of beautiful chrome. Pretty heavy for a portable. Nice sound too!


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